Hints & Tips

Hints and tips about getting the most from the Herschel package

Works orders – Back flushing compared to issuing as part of a kit

By |April 23rd, 2020|Hints & Tips|

We've had a few enquiries about which is the most appropriate issuing method to use in particular scenarios. Here's a quick guide comparing the most used - back flushing and issue as part of kit. Back flushing happens when a works order is partially or fully completed using the Make module's "receive a works order" [...]

The strange case of the disappearing £ symbol …

By |August 6th, 2019|Hints & Tips|

One of our oldest customers upgraded some of their PCs. They seem fine running Herschel, apart from the £ symbol appearing as a box. If this happens to you, go into your Windows 10 settings, time & language, language, administrative language settings, change system locale and UN-TICK the "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language [...]

Thought For 2018 – Don’t Fire Your Trevor!

By |January 1st, 2018|Hints & Tips|

Many years ago, in the days before email, when Herschel users had problems I'd get in the car and pay them a visit. I had a call from one site where "Herschel wasn't working properly anymore", so off I went. After a quick chat and a tour of their factory, it became pretty obvious they [...]

You’re STILL using one monitor?

By |January 6th, 2017|Hints & Tips|

I've suddenly realised some people are still using Herschel with just one monitor. Don't you realise with two or three monitors you can spread those Herschel windows all over your huge desktop?  And they auto-update! You can have Herschel, Outlook, Ebay and Facebook all open at once. And really impress office visitors.

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